14 lb. Seaform Nugget of Tonopah, Nevada inside the Blue Buffalo Trading Post in Tonopah c. 1970


One of the joys of owning a brick and mortar store is the anticipation of what is going to walk in your door next. Everyday presents new and exciting possibilities!

Consequently, one day a gentleman from Tonopah, Nevada comes in and tell us about his relatives, Stan and Lou Neighbors. They own the Blue Buffalo Trading Post in the 1970’s. This is a trading post in historic downtown Tonopah, Nevada. Also, the owners at the time run a trading post in Monte Vista, Colorado. Hence, this is the reason their business card address is different than their Tonopah location.

What is to follow is pure excitement! Immediately after seeing a photograph of a showcase full of jewelry and enormous natural (untreated) turquoise nuggets, the gentleman pulls out a 14 pound nugget from his truck. This natural turquoise nugget is the same nugget in the photographs below.

After questioning him about his intentions, he states that he wants to sell the enormous turquoise nugget. Another Tucson businessman who hears about the nugget, and wants to buy it, is either out of town or doesn’t have the money to buy it. We promptly reply “We would love to buy it”.

Below is a (copy) of the 1970’s photograph of a  glass display case inside the Blue Buffalo Trading Post. Just below is a short slide show featuring close-up views of this famous natural turquoise “seafoam” nugget. The vintage photograph features our nugget just in front of the display sign. Finally, we would like to know where are the other turquoise nuggets in this photograph!

  • 14 lb. Seafoam Nugget of Tonopah, Nevada
    Massive 14 pound turquoise nugget with Tonopah Nevada Provenance.
31 Years in Business
Tucson Turquoise 31 Years in Business

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